With that being said, you will find various torrent trackers online, which will be both public and private. However, all the Torrent Tracker you find online may or may not work for you. If you made your way to this article, look for the list of all the torrent trackers that work. Then you are at the right place. In this article, we will be mentioning the public torrent tracker list that works fine.

What is Torrent Tracker?

Torrent Tracker is a server communicating between peers to know which peer (or computer) keeps the files the user wants to download. When you download a Torrent file (with .torrent extension), you will have to add it to your torrent software like UTorrent or BitTorrent to download the file.

What is Torrent Tracker?List of Best Torrent TrackerHow to Add Torrent Tracker to the Torrent Client?Bottom Line

When you add this file for downloaded, you will be connected to peers to download the file that is being requested. Adding a Torrent Tracker to the Torrent Client will increase your download speed. It is because torrent records like seed are peers are kept by Torrent Trackers. Adding the Torrent Tracker to the Torrent Client will ensure a faster connection to peers for downloading the file, thus improving the overall download speed. There are two types of Torrent Tracker- Public and Private. Public Torrent Tracker is open to everyone. Anyone can use a public torrent tracker for downloading files. Talking about Private Torrent Tracker, registered users can only use them.

List of Best Torrent Tracker

As we discussed above, there are two types of Torrent Trackers, i.e., Public Torrent Trackers and Private Torrent Trackers. Given below is the list of Public Torrent Detector that you can use-

How to Add Torrent Tracker to the Torrent Client?

There are various Torrent Clients you can use to download Torrent Files. The guide will use uTorrent to download files and add Torrent Tracker. To do so, follow the steps given below.

Bottom Line

These were all the Torrent Trackers currently working. If you have been looking for Torrent Trackers to speed up downloading Torrent files through the Torrent Client, then you can use the Torrent Trackers mentioned above.

Torrent Tracker List  December 2022    Increase Downloading Speed - 74