WannaCry Ransomware- Biggest Cyber Attack that the World Has Ever Faced

The malware was spread across various computers with the help of networks using the Windows SMB protocol. The virus spread from one computer to another at lightning speed and before even knowing, it has affected the computers in 150 countries. It has been believed that the hackers’ group was operating from North Korea. Microsoft anticipated the attack and hence released update patches to the computers. But it didn’t reach the users right on time hence the havoc was created. Any computer which is exposed to the internet was capable of getting attacked. In just a few hours of time, the ransomware was able to cause a lot of financial damage. The victims started sending bitcoins to the wallets provided in order to get their files back but everything was in vain. Finally, Marcus Hutchins, a security researcher was able to stop the spread of this malware. He was on vacation at the time of the attack but worked and stopped the ransomware. The threat that was caused back then due to leaked NSA tools still exists. There are millions of computers out there that can be attacked with this malware. Source – TechCrunch

Millions of Computers are Still at Risk Due to NSA Tools That Were Used in Ransomware Attack Two Years Back   TechDator - 36Millions of Computers are Still at Risk Due to NSA Tools That Were Used in Ransomware Attack Two Years Back   TechDator - 93